About Us

MANUEX COMPANY NIGERIA LIMITED was registered  in 1990, and incorporated in 1992 as a result of expansion and the urge to offer better services to her Clients.

As a prominent supply outlet to oil, gas and allied companies in Nigeria, Manuex Co. Nig. Ltd inspires faith by delivering excellence to the end user, while creating growth opportunities for ‘our associates’, which include partners, suppliers, principals, customers and society.

Manuex Co. Nig. Ltd. offers its associates an unparalleled distribution platform for dynamic markets and products. We identify opportunities by synchronizing trade and distribution services while harnessing nascent markets.
With years of experience in international trade, We add value throughout the supply and demand chain. by investing in quality, we deliver the best, whether products or services.

Mission Statement

To create positive impacts on the growth of our clients and to offer the best technology and services to them at an affordable cost.


  •     To offer support services to our clients
  •     To maintain unshaken relationship with our clients even at the time of difficulties.
  •     To design a one to one growth pattern with our clients through the services rendered to them.

Our Strength

Our strength is based on consistent growth and  readiness to explore new ventures.